Three bookcase-dwelling critters, scuffling and squabbling within the confines of their small world.
- Erik Satie, selections from "3 Mouvements en forme de poire"
- October 2021, Cubberley Theatre, Palo Alto: Menagerie
- June 2015, Dance Mission, San Francisco: Powers of Two
- May 2015, DanceVisions, Palo Alto: DanceVisions' Arts in the Making
- November 2006, Cowell Theater, San Francisco: Circulation: Natasha Carlitz Dance Ensemble with the California Guitar Trio
- February 2005, ODC Dance Commons, San Francisco: ODC Dance Commons Opening Performance Extravaganza
- January 2006, Counterpulse, San Francisco: Short Stories
- May 2004, St. Aidan's, San Francisco: Performance Showcase Opening Gala
- May 2004, SOLAD Dance Center, Walnut Creek: SOLAD Dance Marathon
- February 2004, ODC Theatre, San Francisco: ODC's The Underserved
- May 2003, Crate & Barrel, San Francisco: Retail Dance Festival
- April 2003, San Jose Museum of Art: Dancin' Downtown Festival
- March 2003, DanceVisions, Palo Alto: DanceVisions' Mirror of Life
- September 2002, San Jose City College: Linear Transformations: The Choreography of Natasha Carlitz 1998-2002