Off Your Rocker

Silly and exuberant, a playful romp on unstable rocking props. "Proof that creativity knows no bounds," according to Gary Masters of sjDanceCo. Dedicated to Ruby & Celeste McDougal, who inspired this piece.

  • Shin Terai, "Dinner of Heaven"
  • Penguin Cafe Orchestra, "Dirt"
  • April 2012, Cowell Theater, San Francisco: With a Little Help from My Friends
  • February 2012, Stage Dor, Sausalito: Choreographers' Showcase
  • May 2009, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco: Mark Foehringer's Dancing in the Park
  • April 2009, Fairmont Plaza, San Jose: sjDanceCo's Dancin' Downtown
  • March 2009, Dance Mission, San Francisco: Spring Forward Choreographers' Showcase
  • January 2009, Cowell Theater, San Francisco: Time Flies (when you're having fun)
  • May 2007, DanceVisions, Palo Alto: DanceVisions' Arts in the Making
  • November 2006, Cowell Theater, San Francisco: Circulation: Natasha Carlitz Dance Ensemble with the California Guitar Trio